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A Plead

4 Day 1,050, 15:06 Published in USA USA


I was confused about no hospitals for attackers and fought myself down to 11 wellness. I had spent the last of my money buying food to fight more. I can no longer work and please need about 4 dollars, I'll pay you back (and more)

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eRep Chat Rooms!

1 Day 724, 10:17 Published in USA USA

New eRep chat rooms have been released. Check them out!

My Places --> Chat Rooms

Right now it costs 10 Gold to make a room. You can set a password for your room if you want it to be private, or just leave it open to the public. I hope

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Q5 Weapon Lottery Winners!

2 Day 637, 17:39 Published in USA USA

Finally getting enough donations to pay for the weapons, I used Random.Org to generate the three winners. The original results were 12, 7, and 8. Since a contestant owned both 7 and 8, I redid the generator once more to

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Q5 Weapon Lottery - Only 10 USD

1 Day 636, 14:06 Published in USA USA

I'm holding a lottery for a Q5 weapon, a Q3 weapon, and a pair of Q1 weapons. The fee is 10 USD that can be sent to Sulvor. Once you submit your fee, I'll add you to the list in a

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Q5 Weapon Lottery - Only 10 USD

2 Day 635, 14:31 Published in USA USA

I'll be holding a lottery for a Q5 weapon, Okay, the fee is 10 USD that can be sent to Sulvor. Once you submit your fee, I'll add you to the list in a Microsoft Word

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