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Free food and tanks for Wexford [Completed]

22 Day 1,301, 12:40 Published in Ireland Ireland Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Hello,citizens of eIreland

i'm continuing with donations of free food and tanks today 🙂

today,you'll again get 50 well worth of food and 2 q5 tanks.
Use these supplies to fight for eIreland [url=

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Free food and weapons for citizens of eIreland

22 Day 1,300, 14:09 Published in Ireland Ireland Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Dear citizens of eIreland

I decided to start a series of giveaways of free food and weapons(on a daily basis) for you 😃

So,this is going to be my first of many articles like this,and i hope this is going to help our citizens 😃

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My apologies

29 Day 1,295, 15:21 Published in Ireland Ireland Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment


This last month in eIreland and eRepublik has not been 'the best' for me in this new world . I have lost ties with many people who I had previously liked and respected over something that should've never happened,in my opinion. You

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Fenian Candidates list

10 Day 1,220, 14:15 Published in Ireland Ireland

The Fenian Brotherhood requires a bit of your time. It is election time and many candidates have come forward,

Now without further ado, I present our Parties muster of Candidates, I hope you acknowledge their wide ranging values as citizens and

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Mirek's Presidential Manifesto,Part 2

13 Day 1,080, 14:00 Published in Ireland Ireland

Hello eIreland,this is second part of my presidential manifesto :


A lot of work is needed in MoF in month ahead of us . MoF will do his best to get our MM back to relatively normal state and to prevent any hurtfull actions on

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