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Module Work Baru Erep

19 Day 1,147, 09:27 Published in Indonesia Indonesia

Work daily in all your companies

In order to improve your game experience, starting with Day 1050, we will give you the opportunity to work, once per day, for all the companies that you own on your citizen account. Isn't that great? read more »

[MISSIONS] BlackHole Working 4Fun

9 Day 1,145, 23:57 Published in Indonesia Indonesia

Selamat Pagi... Siang... Sore... n Malam... kapanpun kk membacanya,

Diarticle Perdana ini akan launching Missions BlackHole Worker4Fun.
Syarat mengikuti Mission ini adalah mau bekerja keras dan memiliki Level Workskill 7 keatas. Yang harus

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