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Endorse 2

1 Day 4,908, 09:21 Published in Serbia Serbia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Every hour you can write an article!

200 to endorse, they said.

Go back on previous article till you come on last/first one and backwards is no more to endorse.

This is the quickest way for this mission, I think.

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Endors 1

1 Day 4,908, 07:55 Published in Serbia Serbia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

200 to endors, they said.

Go back on previous article till you come on last/first one and backwards is no more to endorse.

This is the quickest way for this mission, I think.

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1 Day 4,908, 05:10 Published in Serbia Serbia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Here it starts or ends!

200 to endorse, they said.


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XP bildovanje

23 Day 4,078, 03:10 Published in Serbia Serbia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Kako najbrze do level up-ova?

Epicki ratovi ne koriste XP-u

Air ratovi ne koriste XP-u


Ako odradim, svakih 10 energije daje mi 2 XP. To znaci, da bolje da radim dok ne stignem do lvl 200.

ALI! Uvjek ovaj ali!

Ako ne ubrzam

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Sta sam ja uradio!!??

4 Day 3,309, 00:50 Published in Serbia Serbia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Eto, bilo kako bilo, sada ovako:

Borio sam se, mozgao, kako do ful TC-ova. Radio, prodavao, trazio, sakupljao na ulici glupirajoci...
I uspio! TC-ove sagradio po najnovijim gradjevinskim protivzemljotresnim zakonima! I onda teretana,svaki dan,

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