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HH: The Broadsheet Returns (Special Edition)

5 Day 595, 14:28 Published in Malaysia Malaysia

Heartlanders Herald - The Singapore-centric Broadsheet
Here's a special edition of the old broadsheet format of the Heartlanders Herald when it used to be daily. (Not guaranteed that I have time to restart my old style though) … read more »

HH: The Broadsheet Returns (Special Edition)

15 Day 595, 14:08 Published in Singapore Singapore

Heartlanders Herald - The Singapore-centric Broadsheet
Here's a special edition of the old broadsheet format of the Heartlanders Herald when it used to be daily. (Not guaranteed that I have time to restart my old style though) … read more »

HH: Time To Move Forward Again...

12 Day 595, 02:51 Published in Singapore Singapore

In the drama that past, whatever that has happened is now made past, part of our history, a lesson to be learnt from. All we can do is move forward like our motto says, "Majulah Singapura", onwards Singapore.

So let's have a clean start, repair

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HH: Deep Conviction

11 Day 593, 17:32 Published in Singapore Singapore

If any RL Singaporean accused by our special someone of being racist would like to see proof of his misdeeds, they only need to arrange a meet-up with me. All evidence are in my PC.

His misdeeds has gone too far, and all the party leaders are

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HH: Vote Down ChrisDFO's Proposal

17 Day 593, 11:34 Published in Singapore Singapore

ChrisDFO proposed a donation to Singapura Organisation.

The real Singapura Organization is spelt with a "z".

Please do

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