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Odgovor na lopov među gušterima

14 Day 745, 07:16 Published in South Africa South Africa

Vidim ima jedan članak koji o meni pise laži ljudi koji su izigrane ne od mene nego od sadasnjeg vlasnika,mnogi ljudi su dok sam ja jos bio vlasnik štedili i štednje su im isplaćene,provjerite prije donaicije orga,ovako je to bilo otprilike


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4 Day 742, 10:54 Published in South Africa South Africa

Hello i have great offer for you.I am selling shares for q4grain(cca 10 gold profit weekly) q4 iron(cca 10 profit weekly)and q3 diamonds(cca 5 gold a week)Each shares cost 20 gold and with each share you get 5% of profits of all companies(shares are

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1 Day 742, 10:54 Published in Argentina Argentina

Hello i have great offer for you.I am selling shares for q4grain(cca 10 gold profit weekly) q4 iron(cca 10 profit weekly)and q3 diamonds(cca 5 gold a week)Each shares cost 20 gold and with each share you get 5% of profits of all companies(shares are

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0 Day 742, 10:53 Published in Canada Canada

Hello i have great offer for you.I am selling shares for q4grain(cca 10 gold profit weekly) q4 iron(cca 10 profit weekly)and q3 diamonds(cca 5 gold a week)Each shares cost 20 gold and with each share you get 5% of profits of all companies(shares are

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2 Day 742, 10:53 Published in Greece Greece

Hello i have great offer for you.I am selling shares for q4grain(cca 10 gold profit weekly) q4 iron(cca 10 profit weekly)and q3 diamonds(cca 5 gold a week)Each shares cost 20 gold and with each share you get 5% of profits of all companies(shares are

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