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Free Food

9 Day 1,268, 09:43 Published in Ireland Ireland Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

This is primarily for those under lvl 20 or thereabouts but if ur stuck exceptions will be made

Irish ?

[ … read more »

Vote for Me !!

9 Day 1,251, 16:03 Published in Ireland Ireland Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

But Seriously If you Dont I'll BURN the toast

Vote for Castaneda On the 25th in the Cork/Kerry Region

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Pissup and Brewery !!

48 Day 1,221, 17:43 Published in Ireland Ireland

So with the majority of votes cast in todays congress elections it seems our local PTO squad and friends have 22 votes , with at least 5 of them due to get a seat and a possibility of the other 2 also gaining seats.

So what happened ?

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21 Day 1,084, 09:31 Published in Ireland Ireland

Wanna know why OJ was impeached ???

OJ never wanted to have to serve a full term as president ,He just wanted his shiny medal .

OJ knew that appointing IBhoy as MoD would lead to his impeachment .
IBhoy who has NEVER shown any remorse … read more »

Uselful links/Articles and Info

6 Day 951, 06:48 Published in Ireland Ireland

Incase you didn't know

There's been a lot going on in the last few days

Here's a Few Articles Explaining recent events

Our President Moomoohead'sread more »