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And Again

8 Day 2,731, 20:57 Published in Australia Australia Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Although congress is nothing more then a group of advisers I will throw my name in the hat again for congress, I am actually glad for the self-dictatorship but … read more »

Me keeping track of things

30 Day 2,727, 16:31 Published in Australia Australia Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

eAUS Parliament member July 25th 2013-November 25th 2013, (July - Freedom Party candidate, August - Reform Party Candidate, September no elections but would have been reform party, and member of congress by default Oct. Australian Parliamentary

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Happy International Workers Day!

13 Day 2,719, 07:48 Published in Australia Australia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Today is the celebration of labor and working people. Workers of all lands Unite! … read more »

The cat diary

6 Day 2,718, 19:48 Published in Australia Australia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Cat's Diary - Day 983 of my captivity
Today I was almost successful in an attempt to assassinate one of my tormentors by weaving around his feet as he was walking. I must try this again tomorrow -- but at the top of the stairs.
Day 984 ........

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Happy Birthday Comrade!

3 Day 2,710, 14:03 Published in Australia Australia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

I want to take the time to say Happy Birthday to one of the greatest freedom fighters and revolutionaries of all time! Long live Comrade Lenin! He would be 145 years old today! Lenin was a true hero and will always be my hero. Lenin Lived, Lenin

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