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I believe in the sun, even though it is slow in rising. I believe in you, without realizing. I believe in rain, though there are no clouds in the sky. I believe in truth, even though people lie. I believe in peace, though sometimes I am violent. I believe in Dio Brando, even though he is silent

Priešrinkiminis interviu su Nutzz ir Udra.

30 Day 1,902, 13:36 Published in Lithuania Lithuania Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Brangūs eLietuvos piliečiai,

Gal norėtumėt paklausyti muzikinio fono?

Atėjo dar vieni Prezidento rinkimai, vasario 5 dieną pirmaisiais

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Ką nuveikėme praeitais metais?

20 Day 1,866, 04:00 Published in Lithuania Lithuania Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Muzikinis fonas.

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Dalykai kurių neturėtum pamiršt balsuodamas Seimo rinkimuose.

12 Day 1,831, 10:38 Published in Lithuania Lithuania Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Muzikinis fonas ir atgaiva akims


Jei dar nenusprendėt už ką rytoj balsuosit, manau šios priežastys jums padės apsispręst balsuot už Solidarumo partiją.

1. Mes visada į priekįread more »

Sekmadienio popietė su šakalu.

21 Day 1,804, 08:51 Published in Lithuania Lithuania Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

How I wish, how I wish you were here.
We're just two lost souls
Swimming in a fish bowl,
Year after year,
Running over the same old ground.
What have we found?
The same old fears.
Wish you
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