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3 Day 574, 12:07 Published in Canada Canada

Dear Citizens of Canada, dear Government,

this is a celebration day for the people in Greece. WE (all those who joined our side in the resistance wars) have freed some of our conquered territories. WE have freed Central Greece, Attica and

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Thank YOU! [SPAIN]

7 Day 574, 12:06 Published in Spain Spain

Dear Citizens of Spain, dear Government,

this is a celebration day for the people in Greece. WE (all those who joined our side in the resistance wars) have freed some of our conquered territories. WE have freed Central Greece, Attica and

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2 Day 574, 12:05 Published in Sweden Sweden

Dear Citizens of Sweden, dear Government,

this is a celebration day for the people in Greece. WE (all those who joined our side in the resistance wars) have freed some of our conquered territories. WE have freed Central Greece, Attica and

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13 Day 574, 12:04 Published in Croatia Croatia

Dear Citizens of Croatia, dear Croatian Government,

this is a celebration day for the people in Greece. WE (all those who joined our side in the resistance wars) have freed some of our conquered territories. WE have freed Central Greece, Attica

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Thank YOU! [USA]

6 Day 574, 12:02 Published in USA USA

Dear Citizens of the United States of America, dear Government,

this is a celebration day for the people in Greece. WE (all those who joined our side in the resistance wars) have freed some of our conquered territories. WE have freed Central

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