Ambient on/off

!!!!!!NOOBS!!! read

0 Day 446, 03:28 Published in USA USA

I've been looking around and I found some facts you might be interesed in.
Gifts = give them to someone and Q factor will give wellness. It does'nt work on yourself.
Houses = you retain the Q factor of the house on wellness -1 not

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Low voter turnout!!!!

9 Day 443, 21:32 Published in USA USA

You should be ashamed to call yourselves eAmericans ! My grand-dad fought and bled in Korea so you can vote. Only 30% reporting that is shameful so comment me and explain why nobody gives a crapp about who is leading this nation. I thought that

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Early election jitters

4 Day 443, 13:51 Published in USA USA

I've been following the election since this morning and I've tried to call the canedates about it and only 2 has called me back. The presedant of the US Green party I heard is inactive and not leading the party. I announce my support for jamicus for

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