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A game with PRIZES

31 Day 2,537, 07:44 Published in Argentina Argentina Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Herro my kind citizens.
First of all, I wish you a happy Harrowiin.

Second of all I'd like to announce a game, I'm having in the comment section under this article.

So, let's start this. Sooooooooo....

For you to win anything you have

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5 Day 2,241, 15:12 Published in Poland Poland Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

I always hated meeting new people. They’d always treat me different and say sorry when they’d glance at my wrist, curiosity getting the best of them. My wrist was blank, no days, hours, minutes, or seconds counting down. I wasn’t meant to find a

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22 Day 2,221, 10:25 Published in Slovenia Slovenia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

1. Jou. Torej ti si slavni 0sebek?
-Nevem če mi loh rečeš glih slavni, vendar sem pa definitivno en in edini 0sebek 🙂

2. Torej, tale številka "0" pred preostankom "sebek", na bi to moralo zavajati na črko "O"?
-Zavajalo? To ne … read more »

Tisto prelepo deževno jutro

13 Day 2,212, 13:34 Published in Slovenia Slovenia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Piše se mi.. o Niki..

Veter, moč, črnina, veter, dež, blisk, dež, grom.. Super hladna fronta je prečkala Slovenijo na tisti dan iz iz poletne vročine smo se preselili na 22 stopinj. Končno (za zimskega človeka, kot sem jaz). Zakaj se spomnim

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55 Day 2,207, 13:29 Published in Slovenia Slovenia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Zdravo folk!

Tukaj vas danes čaka pomemben referendum! Prosim za resnost 😉

Izvedel bom referendum, 3 v tem tednu. In sicer, referendum se bo izvajal o tem, ali naj si zamenjam profilno sliko ali ne?

Če vam je všeč moja trenutna profilna

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