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Laugh till you cry no.3

3 Day 1,413, 10:18 Published in Slovenia Slovenia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Danes vam ne bom pisal o situaciji v eSloveniji, ker sem malce jezen in se mi ne da, ker se mi je prvi članek ki sem ga napisal malce pred 16. uro zbrisal, a zvoniti po toči je prepozno, sedaj vem da preden kliknem publish, da moram klikniti ctrl+

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Laugh till you cry no.2

7 Day 1,412, 06:13 Published in Slovenia Slovenia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Najprej podimo na en potep po eSloveniji
najceneje as trenutno pride če kupite q1 kruh za katerega boste odšteli 0,63 SIT
q5 tankec vas bo stal 38.76 SIT
cena food rawa je trenutno 0.32 SIT,
ena enota weapon rawa pa vas bo stala 0.36 SIT

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Laugh till you cry no.1

1 Day 1,411, 01:29 Published in Slovenia Slovenia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Dear readers I am kindly representing my frist real article.
First take a quick look in eSlovenia
At exact moment it is the cheapest q1 and q5 food with exact same prices 0.33 SIT per one health point,
one q5 tank will cost you 38,50 SI,

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11 Day 1,410, 12:37 Published in Slovenia Slovenia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Hello all and welcome to my newspaper. Here I will publish all jokes funny clips and other funny stuff which I will find.

I am apologising in advance for all mistakes made.

I would also like to encurage you to write a joke or paste the link of

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