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Humanitarian action!

3 Day 344, 09:38 Published in Austria Austria

On 14th November (soon) period of extra storage will be ended. I have a lot of food of level 2 and few food of level 4. I am now using food of level 4 and i don't need food with level 2. Because i have a lot of food of level 2 and i have planned to

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V1 - the big shame

7 Day 341, 12:49 Published in Greece Greece

It seems that V1 bugs will never come to end... After period of big bugs, there was nice time when we have worked and earned some money and experience. Now, for all congressmans this is piece of s...! All who win in congress elections, today lost

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Greece >-< Austria

4 Day 341, 06:56 Published in Greece Greece

[SRB] Ljudi evo konacno i ja predjoh u Austriju. Nisam mogao prije preci jer sam do juce bio congressman u Grckoj... Evo prvo zelim da cestitam svim nasim ljudima koji su osvojili skupstinska mesta u Austriji (Budimir Lazic i Tomislav Nikolic) … read more »

Помаже Бог браћо у Аустрији :)

2 Day 334, 16:52 Published in Greece Greece

Evo da vas obavestim o trenutnom stanju Srba u eRepublik-u. Prvo da vas obavestim da ja necu moci da predjem u Austriju do 25. oktobra jer do tad obavljam dužnost kongresmena u Grčkoj. Dakle ne mogu da vam se pridružim u Austriji dok mi ne istekne

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Svi u Austriju!

12 Day 333, 01:14 Published in Greece Greece

Dosao je i taj dan kad moramo udariti sakom od sto i odluciti da idemo u Austriju. Uzeli smo u obzir sve okolnosti i najbolja regija za selidbu je Upper Austria. Ona je medju najmanjima u Austriji - ima samo 23 stanovnika, ali ima nivo bolnice skoro

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