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Hello Citizens Of North Korea

17 Day 874, 09:37 Published in North Korea North Korea

Greeting s citizens of North Korea, I'm Jin-Jang and I have been chosen by the Chinese government to represent Chinese interests in North Korea…..
I want to help create good relations between our two countries such we have in RL, so we can fight on

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Croatian Government for April 2010

14 Day 868, 12:43 Published in China China

Hello as the ambassador of China in Croatia I will now introduce the Croatian government for April 2010 to people in China........

The President of Croatia : [url=http://www.erepublik.

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Croatian Presidental Elections In April

15 Day 868, 04:06 Published in China China

Hello citizens of China,as you know yesterday was a day where you could get out and vote for your favorite presidential candidate,I'll tell you something about the elections in Croatia and give you some statistics from them.......


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31 Day 845, 05:40 Published in China China



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Me and My History

16 Day 844, 09:51 Published in China China

Hello,citizens of China I noticed that many people in China don't know me exactly,
don't know who I am.........
I will explain you that in this article I am going to write a couple of interesting facts of my history,so you can get to know me

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