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The Wasteland- The final chapter

4 Day 1,017, 18:44 Published in USA USA

Hey , im rolls Royce. This chapter, Chapter five, is my final piece to this tale of courage and wit of a man across incredible odds. I hope that you have enjoyed my story, for this was for you, Erepublik 😃 .

Chapters 1-4
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Rage against the Admins! Read Wasteland!

3 Day 1,004, 21:08 Published in USA USA

Hello! I am Rolls Royce and i am the author of this series. sorry its been so long but my classes at school have been doubled up so i havent had much time to sit down and type this out, but the story has pretty much been writing itself.

For parts

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The wasteland Part three - by Rolls Royce

9 Day 988, 22:47 Published in Ireland Ireland

hello everyone! this is my third installment to the series of Wasteland .


" God , we must go ", said the man with the mask, as he motioned the guard to move towards the door.

They rushed out from the shed and made their way

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The V2 Wasteland - Part 2

10 Day 979, 00:52 Published in Ireland Ireland

Hello everyone!

Sorry it took an extremely long time to release the second installment, but i was away . I hope you enjoy!


Monitors were humming and producing small images of endless hallways and many views of the main room. in the

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The V2 Wasteland - an erepublik series

11 Day 966, 11:55 Published in Ireland Ireland

Hello citizens!

This Is the new series i am working on in erepublik. If you dont like, then sorry. If you do, then feel free to comment on it. if you have any ideas towards it, feel free to message me 😃. Im trying to keep it simply written, so

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