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Germans, come to Poland!

21 Day 785, 03:19 Published in Poland Poland

My Polish friends, help vote this article up to reach Germans as far as South Africa. Below a picture of Germans patriotically blending in, in Poland.

Germans, come to Poland

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Resistance movement in Poland

28 Day 784, 05:24 Published in Poland Poland

To effectively resist the Polish occupation the eDeutsche Welle recommends to all Germans and Frenchman to move to one of the following Q 5 hospital and Polish key regions, Pomerania, Great Poland, Silesia, Little Poland, Mazovia and Mazuria.

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Germany Falls!

11 Day 781, 22:26 Published in Germany Germany

As of today Germany seized to exist. The German currency and passports have become redundant. The author of this paper mourns quietly and hopes for a better future soon. German citizens across the globe wherever they are express their sadness by

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eDeutsche Welle

2 Day 781, 03:18 Published in Germany Germany

eDeutsche Welle is the German voice and opinion in eRepublik. It will produce articles primarily in English so as to reach as many people as possible. There will be occasionally reports both in German and English.

A special message from the

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