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...and Justice for...some ????

3 Day 952, 04:32 Published in Australia Australia

we kept our PMinister -widdows9000-, no matter what the fake eIndos wished for

they were caught cheeting...(better late than ever), thus they were banned.....

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9 Day 949, 04:21 Published in Australia Australia

Where have all our friends gone ?? Where are the allies? A friend in need is a friend indeed.... still we are fighting all alone.....

Where are the politicians to organise us?
all i hear and read about is vultures asking for those that quit for

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4 Day 949, 03:46 Published in Australia Australia

we've started...... things are really bad for us, but buy weapons and FIGHT !!!!!

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4 Day 949, 01:53 Published in Australia Australia

The day we all feared has come. We are now officially politically taken-over by e-Indonesians, and while some of you may think that this is an end of our journey - you are wrong, it is just a beginning. Remember that the country needs you more than

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7 Day 949, 00:05 Published in Australia Australia

from your party's president
go to work, train BUT don't fight YET. Buy weapons.... and be prepared....

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