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Sfarsitul lumii- 11.11.11 11:11:11

16 Day 1,439, 07:27 Published in Romania Romania Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Intrucat oficial sfarsitul lumii a fost decretat pentru data de 11.11.11 ora 11:11:11 (pentru aia mai nefamiliarizati cu cifrele si simbolurile este vorba de 11 noiembrie anu asta, ora 11, 11 minute si

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Putina economie

8 Day 1,432, 02:00 Published in Romania Romania Financial business Financial business

Avem promotie la upgrade? Avem. Cursul aurului a explodat de ieri- ajungand si la 1300 RON/gold- semn ca toata lumea alearga sa cumpere gold pentru a-si upgrada companiile.

In acest moment de insemnatate istorica, micul intreprinzator roman poate

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Simulator social- eRepublik

9 Day 1,430, 02:21 Published in Romania Romania Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

O sa fac ce n-am facut pana acum- o sa laud jocul 🙂

In ciuda criticilor de tot felul (la adresa adminilor, a proprietarilor jocului, etc etc) jocul asta ne invata (pe bani e drept, nu prea multi bani-iar e drept) niste lectii de viata

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Brother ennemies! Romania is with you!

7 Day 1,426, 03:26 Published in Romania Romania Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Nu vreau decat sa dau niste citate:

"Make no mistake about it: the choice is indeed between two visions of the world. To those who choose to use force and think they can resolve the world’s complexity through swift and preventive action, we offer

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Brief statement

22 Day 1,424, 05:20 Published in Romania Romania Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Since there is a lot of discussion during last days starting from the topic of Kosovo which could have a diplomatic impact on the alliances, also since the MoD in Romania indicated we should vote for Kosovo as part of Serbia (sue me but I did not),

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