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[EUNL] assets before and during the union

5 Day 875, 11:07 Published in Netherlands Netherlands

As you may know we have negotiations with eBelgium about a possible share of assets (eBE and eUNL were a Union). These … read more »

[EUNL] assets before and during the union

1 Day 875, 10:37 Published in Belgium Belgium

As you may know we have negotiations with eBelgium about a possible share of assets (eBE and eUNL were a Union). These … read more »

[EUNL]Deviltje quits as negotiator and as member of Government

15 Day 868, 13:22 Published in Netherlands Netherlands

As i have noticed that i can't do my job as minister of Belgian affairs/negotiator of the eUNL in a proper manner, i hereby quit the job. When in government and given a task you want to do this at the best of your abilities.

If in government … read more »

[EUNL]Deviltje quits as negotiator

5 Day 868, 13:18 Published in Belgium Belgium

As i have noticed that i can't do my job as minister of Belgian affairs/negotiator of the eUNL in a proper manner, i hereby quit as negotiator and leave the eUNL government. When in government and given a task you want to do this at the best of your

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[EUNL]Negotiations with eBelgium

10 Day 865, 13:21 Published in Netherlands Netherlands

As some may know i was Prime Minister(PM) in the last eUNL government, yesterday i was appointed as representative of the new eUNL government for eBelgium affairs. In my new roll i will continue talks and possible negotiations with eBelgium.


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