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Just an opinion

6 Day 835, 08:24 Published in Netherlands Netherlands

Last week the government started a referendum/poll about the future of the eUNL. As we all know eBelgium is no longer a part of the union. I think the government made a good choice to ask the citizens what they think. However how it was done, wasn't

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Sorry IW and government

11 Day 795, 13:13 Published in Netherlands Netherlands

Due to rl issues i am not able to do the things which i as Partypresident an as Prime Minister should do. Some know why i don't have the time at the moment.


For the upcoming elections Mitch Rapp and DanielB1989 will be

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[DEVILTJE]Running for Party President IW

4 Day 787, 06:57 Published in Netherlands Netherlands

Dear I&W members,

First my apologies for not posting my "running for PartyPresident of I&W"- article earlier.

This month I&W has several members who want to become Party President of I&W.
1. [url=http://www.

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[eUNL] A little update

1 Day 776, 04:46 Published in Netherlands Netherlands

Dear eUNL,

a lot has happened the last days. eUNL started a war against ePoland to help Germany, a referendum has started on the forum about the merger with the eUK, Steingrimur is working on the constitution and the new government has been

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A very good, healthy and succesfull 2010!

5 Day 772, 13:37 Published in Netherlands Netherlands

Deviltje … read more »