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Women are invisible in Featured Fighters

4 Day 1,803, 20:02 Published in USA USA Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Look profile profile of the top 100 most prominent fighters worldwide Erepiblik not take me no surprise.

Within 100 fighters are featured only 7 women, did not reach the 1%. It is more than shameful.

It is sad to see that although there are

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Espírito da pobre mulher no eRepublik e sua fraca participação política

2 Day 1,803, 13:40 Published in USA USA Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Estas são as estatísticas atuais de atividade política dentro Erepublik Quantas mulheres presidentes, ministros e governadores?

Erepublik tem 70 países e uma participação activa das mulheres na tripulação político é muito pouco, olhar:


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The poor woman's spirit in Erepublik and its weak political participation

5 Day 1,803, 13:23 Published in USA USA Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

(Sorry because my English is not good)

These are the current statistics of political activity within Erepublik How many women presidents, ministers and governors?

Erepublik has 70 countries and active participation of women as political crew

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El pobre espíritu de la mujer en Erepublik y su débil participación política

0 Day 1,803, 13:21 Published in USA USA Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Estas son las estadísticas actuales de la actividad política dentro de Erepublik ¿Cuántas mujeres presidentes, ministros y gobernadores?

Erepublik tiene 70 países y la participación activa de la mujer como miembros del equipo político es muy

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0 Day 1,802, 13:01 Published in USA USA Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Após três anos, voltar ao jogo eu achei tudo muito mudado. Eu estive observando a cena, as guerras, os partidos políticos e tenho notado que há pouca participação das mulheres em posições de liderança na política e importante dentro anfitriões Onde

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