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Food for Thought // GondolatébresztĹ‘ (EN/HU)

59 Day 2,955, 18:27 Published in Hungary Hungary Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

English version
Magyar verzio

Official population of the eWorl😛
Az e-vilag hivatalos lakossaga:

Compare it with:
Vesd össze:

[img][/img] … read more »

Megjott a Mikulas!

73 Day 2,937, 23:32 Published in Hungary Hungary Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Ho-ho-ho! Kedves gyere..jatekosok!

Eljott ez a nap is, ma mindannyian kaptok valamit. Aki jo volt, reszesul az elore felvasarolt Q1 keszletembol. A rossz gyerekek "jutalmarol" egy jol ismert ballada szamol be.[

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Variaciok egy temara

159 Day 2,926, 22:57 Published in Hungary Hungary Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

A tema pedig termeszetesen az MKKP aktualis tematikus hete.

Elso valtozat:

Masodik valtozat:

Harom a magyar (illetve ez esetben szaudi)

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[Azure] A szuletesnapi akciok valodi nyertesei

60 Day 2,922, 23:38 Published in Hungary Hungary Financial business Financial business

UPDATE: TP-bevetellel frissitve!

Udv mindenkinek!

Vegehez kozeledik az eRep 8. szuletesnapja es ahogy elcsendesulnek a csatamezok, lassan ideje szamot vetni az esemennyel kapcsolatban. A nap soran sokan sokfelet szamolgattak, ugy

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[Azure] BEST ALLY EVER - ROMANIA!!! Who needs enemies???

75 Day 2,893, 04:04 Published in Serbia Serbia Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

There's a disturbance in the Force and you don't need to be a Jedi to sense it. It's about Serbia's original regions. Head to the bottom of the article to see it.

To anyone who guessed 4 hours, we have a

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