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World War reaches another height

5 Day 540, 11:05 Published in Malaysia Malaysia

I thought I'd write an article about what's going on beyond our borders. Enjoy!🙂


Day 540 and 541 will surely go into the history books of the eWorld as two of the most important days ever. It has been in the air for some time, especially

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Things are on the move

3 Day 537, 06:28 Published in Malaysia Malaysia

First of all I'd like to send a big thank you to all of you who voted for me on the presidential elections a few days ago and congratulate Vikta again for the nice victory. Even though I lost the elections in the end I'm not disappointed at all. It

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[Elections] - Some of my plans in more detail

3 Day 531, 18:49 Published in Malaysia Malaysia

As I’ve promised I’ll elaborate on some crucial parts of my program in more detail here.


As already mentioned in my former article the top priority is clearly increasing the userbase. However on the short term a significant

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My presidential candidacy

7 Day 530, 18:46 Published in Malaysia Malaysia

Hello everyone! I’d like to publicly announce that I’m running for president as the candidate of Democratic Action Party. I have only arrived a short while ago but I think I’ve managed to integrate into the community by now and most importantly I

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