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The Ethical Review of the eSwedish/ ePoland Aggression on eGermany.

12 Day 567, 20:05 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

***Disclaimer: This article involve Kantian philosophy and might be hard to understand. Please stick with it as this article offers a different way to discuss this controversial issue.

After reading many articles on both sides on the prelude

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Peace Out of Reach: eGermany Will Resist.

10 Day 567, 13:01 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

eGermany will continue to resist eSweden and ePoland despite the eSwedes and ePoles offer a peace treaty. In the treaty, eGermany will lose both Schleswig Holstein and Brandenburg. (eGermany’s high grain regions). This demand is unacceptable as it

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[Breaking News] PEACE to invade eUSA?

11 Day 567, 10:53 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

Across the pond, our allies eUSA and eCanada are discussing a news article by GLaDOs. I really do not know the people at PEACE but he claims to be a PEACE spokesman and people over the pond seam to take him seriously. It might be a joke or it

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Auf Wiedersehen eDeutschland! [Canada]

5 Day 566, 06:04 Published in Canada Canada

As many of you know by now, eGermany was brutally and unjustly conquered by the combine armies of eSweden and ePoland. Let’s recap what happened.

Months before the war, and even when eGermany was trying to join Atlantis, the eSwedish

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Auf Wiedersehen eDeutschland!

13 Day 565, 20:05 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

As many of you know by now, eGermany was brutally and unjustly conquered by the combine armies of eSweden and ePoland. Let’s recap what happened.

Months before the war, and even when eGermany was trying to join Atlantis, the eSwedish

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