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7 Day 1,578, 08:07 Published in Republic of Moldova Republic of Moldova Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

E straniu ca nimeni si pina acum nu a scris nimic despre faptul ca avem in sfirsit si noi un presedinte! Nu, nu e vorba despre Girngo... Asta o venit pe 4 ani... Suntem in sfirsit si noi o tara in rind cu toate tarile. Criza politica ce a durat

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South Park, some moments [ENG]

6 Day 1,578, 07:48 Published in Republic of Moldova Republic of Moldova Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

I think all of us have ever seen or heard about the South Park series. In this article I am eager to remind you some funny moments from it. Enjoy )
To those who have never seen this series, although the humour may seem to you very vulgar and

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Donatii din partea congresului. [EDIT]

39 Day 1,572, 07:54 Published in Republic of Moldova Republic of Moldova Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

In actualul congres al Republicii Moldova a aparut o propunere: "Banii primiti pentru medalia de congres sa fie donati statului. Din acestea sa fie facute echipari si\sau cheltuiti pe alte interese publice." Cred ca ar fi cazul ca fiecare cetatean

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Alegeri CP 5-6Martie 2012 [08:30]

20 Day 1,567, 01:33 Published in Republic of Moldova Republic of Moldova Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Campaniile electorale s-au terminat si a inceput lupta pentru postul de CP. Dupa o ora si 30 de minute avem 38voturi impartite in modul urmator:

[11:30] T=38V
FreeEnough=20v 52.63%
Girngo=13v 34.21%
Topa Horatiu I=3v 7.89%
Joramoldovan=1v 2.

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Import Tax [EDIT]

15 Day 1,565, 15:43 Published in Republic of Moldova Republic of Moldova Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Fotografia marita [EDIT]

Cum observam din tabel ar fi cazul sa micsoram taxa pe import pentru arme pina la 35.7%. In acest caz chinejii vor plati pentru un … read more »