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run for the congress v2012.03

3 Day 1,585, 21:30 Published in Belgium Belgium Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

yes for minimal state, yes for low taxes, yes for the revocable politicians and public control over them, yes for transparent decision making process.
no to the corruption, no to the power abuse, no to the hudge bureocracy, no to war, no to the

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4-5 things private enterprise wont ever give u

11 Day 1,060, 00:14 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic

aka why u want to try to work in a cooperative:

- fair share of the value produced
for ur 1-click u get the same piece of the pie as fellow workers. complete equality in practice.

- a say on how the production is organised

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abolish capitalism!

17 Day 1,040, 07:14 Published in Canada Canada

hi residents of canada
im glad to inform u that a collectivist oil plant entered the petroleum industry here in labrador. the selforganisation is a mighty weapon on the epick quest to save the fruits of our labour from being stolen in front of our

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petroleum cooperative started ][ vyrobni ropodruzstvo zahajilo cinnost

7 Day 1,022, 06:36 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic

new autonomous cooperative started operation few days ago and we invite openminded harvesters to work in our collective.

forget about selling your work like a whore for a poor pittance, only to feed the voracious factory owner. forget about

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new autonomous cooperative ][ nove samospravne vyrobni druzstvo

2 Day 996, 08:21 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic

as some of u have noticed the state have shamelessly taked over the svoboda commune without a discussion. because there is no suitable alternative solution already in operation, it is about to start the cooperative over again.

if u r

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