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Nice eRepublik very own IRC Chat

6 Day 706, 07:18 Published in Singapore Singapore

Yoz, I am woshiempire.

Wow, the admin did really improve and add more things.... Wooo. The admin added an eRepublik very own IRC chat.. The admin add it till it make it look quite similar to our normal messenger.

Try and mess with it,

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Though thoughts

11 Day 703, 18:16 Published in Singapore Singapore

Hello, I am Woshiempire.

What up with those mug shots? that move to ads fighting? It has been long since we have a quiet congress election already.

Sometimes in politics you need to take those heat down ur throat and keep 1 eye

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Yea, we can read articles safety

4 Day 693, 08:41 Published in Singapore Singapore

Yoz, I am Woshiempire 😃

Finally, the admin has solved the case of people using articles/comments in articles to stole others people gold and password. I can say Finally... lol... Now is safe to read articles without worry that ur account will be

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Woshiempire Newcomer Survey

3 Day 683, 21:19 Published in Singapore Singapore

Hello,I am woshiempire. I am here to present you all ,a newcomer survey that will be added to my collection.

Why want to have a newcomer survey?

Well, when you want to help someone, you must first know what they need.So getting to know

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Wow, is this a good news or bad news?

16 Day 682, 06:43 Published in Singapore Singapore

o.0 Yoz, I am woshiempire 😃

So the admin changed the exp system. Eating food does not get 1xp 😞
Instead, training earned 2xp 😣

So the effects are: Lesser sales for q1 food- people used to "farm" invites
No more 5g from them

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