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12 Day 1,390, 18:59 Published in China China First steps in eRepublik First steps in eRepublik

【教育部 新人办报补助】

从上个月 北极星杯 “假如我是eC总统” 征文比赛开始推行到现在已经陆续资助了若干新人和半新人创办报纸,现在继续推行。


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18 Day 1,388, 08:53 Published in China China Warfare analysis Warfare analysis

NE篇:写论文之余发表下我的看法,之前在学校简单的看了看 发现直接对MY开战对EC 没有什么实际利益,最大的可能是在盟友的帮助下摸掉1-2块地,然后就要面对国内多线资源起义,当然也可以速度RW切断对MY的战线,除了象征性的表示对EDEN表示支持外并不能对EC带来实质的利益。
当然从中长期来看应该算是EC借新人之势进军Euro,同时可以考虑对新人发放低Q武器和面包来带动新人积极性~物资的发放比CNY更能提升新人的参与性。借这个机会带动新人积极性已经存活率。所以我改变主意,表示支持NE MY。

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流水日记11----猜猜看 赢取免费小tank~ try to guess and get free tank

20 Day 1,380, 07:10 Published in China China Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

我的头像是什么 第一个C对的 给15 Tank (用中文)
PLA/SDF的PM我不要C 第一PM对的20 Tank
Friends if you know whats my Citizen Avatar, plz answer it in comment,
if you are first one give the right answer, you will get 10 free tank. (in English)
Yours sgc1988

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流水日记10----Free foods for new players

8 Day 1,373, 21:33 Published in China China Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

becoz a couple of new players come to eChina, recently.For keeping the new player can stay in this game and grow up to become the main power of eChina, I will offer lots of free food for our new coming friends, if you under level 20, if you join

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流水日记9----People who in Australia

8 Day 1,366, 07:04 Published in China China Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

根据 ECHC Times 的帖子和回帖 可以归纳出一下几个呆在袋鼠国蹲坑的孩子:
悉尼:lifethinker, namiochen, boscopong, ray qian(?),darkthree,Yilun He(?)
卧龙岗: 教授, liewan012, Coben Wang 这3个好基友全在UOW= =
猫本:sgc1988, ozzkar, Jessica611


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