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Cestitam komsije

53 Day 1,121, 12:55 Published in Serbia Serbia

Evo ja ocu bas bit prvi da vam cestitam,kad sam gledo kako skidate onu zidinu,reko koliko ovih likova ima,onda odem i vidim 1039,nas bilo 257,ma reko ovo su morali dobit,ebes sve,

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EDEN must divert more attention

10 Day 1,121, 06:37 Published in Spain Spain

As I look what is going on after changing military modul,I see that EDEN is negolecting certan fronts.
Please observe that for example Croatia is no match for Serbia,Turkey is grovind every day too,so Greece is fighting to exaustion(and too free

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EDEN must divert more attention

1 Day 1,121, 06:35 Published in Romania Romania

As I look what is going on after changing military modul,I see that EDEN is negolecting certan fronts.
Please observe that for example Croatia is no match for Serbia,Turkey is grovind every day too,so Greece is fighting to exaustion(and too free

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EDEN must divert more attention

12 Day 1,121, 06:33 Published in Greece Greece

As I look what is going on after changing military modul,I see that EDEN is negolecting certan fronts.
Please observe that for example Croatia is no match for Serbia,Turkey is grovind every day too,so Greece is fighting to exaustion(and too free

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EDEN must divert more attention

6 Day 1,121, 06:32 Published in China China

As I look what is going on after changing military modul,I see that EDEN is negolecting certan fronts.
Please observe that for example Croatia is no match for Serbia,Turkey is grovind every day too,so Greece is fighting to exaustion(and too free

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