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А бре македонче ...

37 Day 2,533, 11:06 Published in North Macedonia North Macedonia First steps in eRepublik First steps in eRepublik

..сто пати ти е кажано и прекажано. НЕ ПАЃАЈ НА ПРОВОКАЦИИ. Остај ги нека си лаат. Дела, а не зборови.

Дали имате прочитано статија на Чилеанец во која се фали како и колку ни помогнал? Индонезиец? Србин?(ова од порано) Бугарин? А дали

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Анти за цреп o/

16 Day 2,268, 09:12 Published in Chile Chile Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

I want boobies … read more »

Interview with the eSerbian DOFA

38 Day 2,259, 17:01 Published in Serbia Serbia Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Hello fags. Sorry it took me so long to get the Serbian DOFA interview but it was pretty hard job to locate him. I looked through every corner of the eworld and found him at the very last place I thought to look for.

So, here we go ... My

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eSerbian MOFA latest article EXPLAINED

73 Day 2,252, 16:45 Published in Serbia Serbia Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Hello fags.

It's been a while since I wrote something cause mainly I lost the will to do so but here I go again ..

Here's the translation of those loving words that he wrote in his article

What he actually sai😛

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