Zrzutka (:P) na DS Q4 - pokrylismy ~40% kosztow budowy!

Day 494, 11:58 Published in Poland Poland by Niezalezna Polska


DOBROWOLNA zrzutka organizowana przez Niezalezna Polske wlasnie dobiegla konca. Jestesmy mile zaskoczeni, ze w tak spontaniczny sposob udalo sie zebrac sume ponad 73 GOLDa, ktorej przeznaczeniem jest dofinansowanie systemu obronnego Q4 dla Polski budowanego po kosztach przez carbonium defense system.

Oto co udalo nam sie zebrac:

73.44 golda,
41.83 PLN,
14.3 ESP,
300 MXN,
10.17 KRW,
10 NIS,
10 ZAR,
1,5 ITL,
41 PTE,
1.3 ATS,
2.26 DKK,

17x wood Q1,
chleb Q1 😃.

Budowa poprzedniego systemu wyniosla okolo 200 gold. Zatem smialo mozna powiedziec ze tych kilkudziesieciu darczyncow, ktorzy przecietnie dali od siebie zaledwie 1 GOLDa, bez ubytku dla ich wlasnych funduszy byli w stanie niezle pomoc panstwu, fundujac mu pokrycie 40% kosztow budowy.

A gdzie powstanie ow DS Q4? Tego jeszcze niewiadomo, jednak bardzo mozliwe jest, ze bedzie on bronic regionu Volhynia. Jednak nim to nastapi, znalezc bedzie trzeba fundusze na szpital dla tego regionu, a nastepnie przeniesienie w ten region masy ludzi, by mieli oni wplyw na obronnosc regionu.

Tak czy siak, wlasnie przelewam owe sumy na konto Narodowego Banku Polskiego, mam nadzieje ze tam pieniadze zostana w madry sposob wykorzystane.

Rowniez od siebie, cala Niezalezna Polska dziekuje wszystkim tym, ktorzy chcieli przyczynic sie do akcji, ktora w dosc znaczny sposob odciazyla budzet panstwowy.

A oto Ci ktorzy zechcieli pomoc:

Imagine has transfered 2.26 DKK to your account.
Imagine has transfered 7 products/raw materials to your inventory. Check your donations list.
Imagine has transfered 10 products/raw materials to your inventory. Check your donations list.
Angadil has transfered 1 GOLD to your account.
Angadil has transfered 0.45 PLN to your account.
Angadil has transfered 0.17 KRW to your account.
Angadil has transfered 0.3 ESP to your account.
Angadil has transfered 1.3 ATS to your account.
Rehi has transfered 41 PTE to your account.
Mixliarder has transfered 1 GOLD to your account.
wtulazel has transfered 1.5 ITL to your account.
Sadix has transfered 15 GOLD to your account.
Zeratuul has transfered 1 GOLD to your account.
Teeo has transfered 1.38 PLN to your account.
Gengulo has transfered 0.3 GOLD to your account.
FalcoPL has transfered 2 GOLD to your account.
only4pro has transfered 1 GOLD to your account.
mc001 has transfered 5.01 GOLD to your account.
mateiner has transfered 1 GOLD to your account.
WojtekBe has transfered 10 PLN to your account.
Sulejmani has transfered 1 GOLD to your account.
Fyoddeotka has transfered 0.45 GOLD to your account.
Fyoddeotka has transfered 10 ZAR to your account.
Fyoddeotka has transfered 10 NIS to your account.
Fyoddeotka has transfered 10 KRW to your account.
Rafal Smigielsko has transfered 10 PLN to your account.
Sadix has transfered 5 GOLD to your account.
azbest5 transfered 1 GOLD to your account.
Delejt Kowalski transfered 1 GOLD to your account.
Marcin Judek transfered 1 products to your inventory. Check your donations list.
Jottos transfered 1 GOLD to your account.
Zyvalt transfered 1 GOLD to your account.
Mac1ek transfered 1 GOLD to your account.
eHiL transfered 1 GOLD to your account.
eHiL transfered 300 MXN to your account.
Fyoddeotka transfered 1 GOLD to your account.
Martin Indycki transfered 1 GOLD to your account.
miudyk transfered 1 GOLD to your account.
MrEgg transfered 14 ESP to your account.
Dominique_Liberales transfered 20 PLN to your account.
Dominique_Liberales transfered 1 GOLD to your account.
GuteQ transfered 5 GOLD to your account.
jotix transfered 1 GOLD to your account.
lukasznaw transfered 2.3 GOLD to your account.
Roman Dmowski transfered 5 GOLD to your account.
jacekm91 transfered 1 GOLD to your account.
Kasperski transfered 1 GOLD to your account.
Kazik Staszewski transfered 1 GOLD to your account.
Foriss transfered 1 GOLD to your account.
Mateusz Dajnowski transfered 2 GOLD to your account.
FalcoPL transfered 1 GOLD to your account.
lukasznaw transfered 0.2 GOLD to your account.
Serafiel transfered 1 GOLD to your account.
LucasPl transfered 0.74 GOLD to your account.
Drubcio transfered 1 GOLD to your account.
semyazza transfered 1 GOLD to your account.
Kasperski Group transfered 1 GOLD to your account.
Foriss transfered 1 GOLD to your account.
Deadlock transfered 1 GOLD to your account.
Dzeju xp transfered 1 GOLD to your account.
Armen22 transfered 1 GOLD to your account.
ZdenekBlacha transfered 0.44 GOLD to your account.

Z pozdrowieniami,
Rzecznik Prasowy partii Niezalezna Polska,