Zombie Queen: The latest adventure

Day 1,117, 15:51 Published in USA USA by Fionia

I sat in my newest hideout, in front of a rawring fire, watching my captive kitty dozing.

It had been a long couple of days. The rebels had been very swift about their response, and had managed to rescue CRoy from my castle, destroying it in the process. I had since moved to another location, somewhere in the Northwest of the US.

I had heard about a "Zombie Legion" rising up to support me, but had been wary about attempting any contact.

One night, as I was writing a memo to the Zombie Legion, deciding to call in the backup at last, a carrier pigeon flew into my room. It dropped two things on my lap, and sat perched on the arm of the chair. My cat captive eyed it, but decided that his nap was more important than this potential meal.

I picked up the first thing that had been dropped, and saw immediately that it was a postcard like the ones Hadrian X, Joe Newton, and Joe DaSmoe had received.

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Not quite believing what I was reading, I looked at the other item the pigeon had brought. It was a picture. A picture of a crime scene, with what looked oddly like an eagle outlined in chalk. And were those Boy Scout medals on the wall?

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It was all very intriguing. I read over the postcard again and again. There was one sentence that stood out to me.
"I'm off to see the Wizard..."
As I tried to puzzle out what that meant, another thought occurred to me. If this pigeon had found me...couldn't somebody else find me?

And that's when it hit me.....hit me like a lead pipe to the back of the skull, to be exact.