ziua 1000

Day 1,000, 00:36 Published in Romania Romania by direct x

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III. Day 1000

To end this insider in a joyful manner, we want to remind you that Day 1000 is approaching and this calls for a celebration.

1000 days, this is a lot of time. Every anniversary is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, that’s why the next 16th of August we will celebrate the 1000th day of eRepublik. We've lived together so many things! Of course, many of you are relatively new in this world, but the New World owes its existence to each and every one of you. The community is the very fundament of eRepublik. For this, we thank you!

The New World is constantly changing, constantly moving, constantly improving. The innovative idea behind eRepublik unfortunately has one disadvantage; like almost any other innovation, the lack of previous “success stories” means that the idea must be constantly tested and fine-tuned and your feedback is very important in this matter. This means that it takes a while before it reaches the desired level of quality. We are really working hard to reach that level of quality with Rising.

We want to make this a proper celebration, so there will be surprises waiting for you during all the week, starting the 16th of August. What better way to celebrate eRepublik’s 1000th day than getting to know the people with whom you usually play? Meeting to share all your experiences in these first 1000 days of eLife and to change the future of the New World. We want to offer you an online tool to better organize these meet ups all around the worl😛

And remember to send us your pics, videos and articles about your meetings to anniversary@erepublik.com and we will publish them in future Insiders, our blog, twitter and facebook!

What else can we say other than: happy anniversary everybody!

NO acum vom sta frumusel; si vom astepta toata saptamana surprize surprize.
Poate ne surprind ungurii. Ca alte surprize....
Noroc la surprize. Sper placute.

p.s in ziua 500 nu s-a intamplat nimic.
p.s.s. nici in ziua 666.
p.s.s.s. eu sunt optimist.