
Day 2,668, 13:50 Published in Serbia Serbia by Panda monium

Koliko god pokusavam da idem napred toliko mi se cini da neko mnogo zaludan,ubedjen sam da su to Kinezi, gradi neki zid o koji se olupam!!Drmnem glavom u njega,ako taj neko misli da cu se tako "opametiti" i stati grdno se vara!!Ne mogu ti Kinezi napraviti zidova koliko ja u svojoj zelji mogu lupati u njih!!

Mnogi od nas padnu pri susretu sa prvim,po koji ostane kod drugog i kako se taj niz zidova nastavlja sve je manje onih koji su se na njima zadrzali...Logicno sve je manje i onih koje te prepreke treba da zaustave!!Nasu snagu,volju,odlucnost,upornost treba meriti u novoj unoverzalnoj mernoj jedinici ZID!!Sto vise zidova srusimo to smo jaci...Hrabriji i uporniji!!

Verovatno je nas najveci strah upravo to da cemo se olupati o neki zid koji ce se sigurno naci na nasem putu ka uspehu ali mi nikada nece biti jasno zasto mnogo ljudi ne pokusa da prevazidje tu prepreku!!Plase se zida i kada udare u njega stanu i tu ostanu...Zasto bre??Pa kada ste vec udarili u njega i osetili kako to izgleda zasto se plasite da nastavite dalje??Opet vas ceka zid..Pa sta??Ipak to je samo zid!!Uglavnom siv,ali i dalje je nepromenjeno to sto jeste!!Mislite da bi lakse bilo da je saren??Obojen nekim cvetnim bojama??Gresite...Najbolji je srusen!!Unisti ga...Slomi i nastavi dalje!!Inace ces biti slomljen...

Cudna je igra sudbine sa tim zidom!!U susretu sa njim si slomljen ili ti slamas!!A samo ti biras koji je scenario!!Pa sada mucni glavom,naravno ako imas sa cim,i lomi to!!Lomi sve zivotne prepreke i grabi hrabro prema uspehu!!

I nemoj da ti padne na pamet da na njega kacis neku sliku...Nece ona taj zid ulepsati a vremenom ce sigurno postati izbledala slika tebe i tvoga poraza!!


No matter how hard I try to move forward, it always seems that someone idle, I’m convinced that those are Chinese, is building a wall I crash into!!! I hit my head into it, if that someone thinks that I’ll get “smarter” like that and stop, he’s terribly wrong!! Those Chinese can’t build as many walls as I can, in my will, crash into!!

Many of us fall in first encounter, some of us stays with another, and as the string of walls continues, there are less and less people who stayed on…Logically, there are less of those who should stop these obstacles!! Our strength, will, determination, persistence should be measured in new universal unit WALL!! The more walls we tear down, the stronger we are…Braver and more persistent!!

Our biggest fear is probably exactly the fact that we are going to strike into some wall that for sure will be in our way to success, but I will never understand why a lot of people don’t try to overcome that obstacle!! They are afraid of the wall and when they strike into it, they stay there…But why?? If you crashed into it and you felt what that looks like, why are you afraid to move on?? There will be another wall..So what? It’s just wall!! Mostly grey, but nothing’s changed, that’s still wall!! Do you think it would be easier if it’s colorful?? Colored with some flower colors??
You’re wrong…the best one is demolished!! Destroy it…break it and move on!! Or else, you’ll be broken…

It’s funny, destiny’s game with that wall!! When you encounter it, you’re broken or you break!! And only you choose scenario!! So now, use your head, if you have something in it, of course, and break it!! Break all life obstacles and move bravely to the success!!

And don’t even think of putting some picture on it…It will not make it more nice, and with the time passing by, it will definitely become faded picture of you and your defeat!!

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