Zachary Parsons For Congress in Oklahoma

Day 1,246, 14:50 Published in USA USA by Zachary Parsons

Hello all, I am Zachary Parsons a member of the United States Workers Party, the eUnited States Training Corps, and I will be running for Government Congress in Oklahoma. As a congress member, I would work to lower taxes on weapons as well as food, I would work to get the eUS Military funded again, and finally work towards having our country’s private militia’s are supplied with at least food while fighting for us.
For Questions, please post them down in the comments, and I will answer them to the best of my abilities. Thank you, and remember VOTE ZACHARY PARSONS FOR CONGRESS IN OKLAHOMA!!!

I am here to take a stand...but come on the light is bright.

I will now provide some of the goals I plan to work towards while in Congress. One would be to lower taxes would cut government funding by a little, but it would boost the economy even higher due to the new cash that is available to be spent in the consumers pocket. With more money comes more spending. Eventually, more people would spend more because they are making more. After taxes are cut, the eUS economy should flourish.

I support all Militias, as well as the Millitary (New/Old) and I will try to get us all unified as well as voice my opinion on the subject. I will make sure both sides are respected as well as listened to. All men and women in these units have payed with blood sweat and tears and we need to stand up for them all and make sure their voices are heard.

The Zombies support me...shouldn't you

Private Militia are sometimes the leading causes of winning battles. I say, credit earned where credit due. I say that we push for funding to any military unit that has or is helping the eUS. Whether we realise it or not, these military units have helped us in many major battles. The military unit SuperMarines has some of the strongest people in the eUS country and they are getting good supplies, but they are in short supply. Why not use every asset we have to better our countries defense and get them the weapons and food they need. If you vote for me for New York congressman, I will see to it that all you militia members get what you need to keep helping defend our wonderful country.
As for my fellow Oklahomans, I will fight to protect whatever intrests and voice we have. The time I spend if elected I will try and establish some sort of Statewide, as well as Country wide movement to help civilians and citizens of our fine state and Country.

Along with these things, I will also make sure that only America’s interests are at hand, and not put even more power into the control of iNCi and put it back into the hands of true Americans.

Zachary Parsons
eUnited States training Corps
United States Workers Party
Zombie Horde