Your Prince is Back

Day 874, 13:44 Published in Canada Canada by William Duncan
I. The Mortar of Men

Caption: Mortar is What Makes it Work.

1. Canada, I am very impressed with (and supremely proud of) you. In the last three months you have successively elected 3 different governments, each unique and different from the last. You have chosen again and again to elect the person you want to represent you to the world. Each change of the guard put our government and institutions to the test. And they passed.

2. Constructing a working republic is no easy enterprise. We have to structure our systems and institutions to receive each new democratically elected Head of State as if they were an already long-reigning monarch, so that the will of the people can be implemented, while ensuring the continuity of State and Government remains intact. If this were to fail, government would be chaotic and incapable of effectively responding to important crises, let alone implement any progressive actions, reforms or changes, a fact recently noted by eCanada's own Augustus Baldwin in his article about Coups.

3. We have a good governmental system, but that statement does a gross injustice to the real causes of good, republican governance. It's the people; namely, the people who -like the mortar used to cement the bricks of a building together- serve selflessly to ensure each newly elected government can implement their policies and quickly grasp the reins of eCanada's government. In other words, a "good system" of government is, in reality, merely a system that permits good people to do the right thing.

4. The aforementioned 'good people' are the Mortar of Men. They glue and bind us together into a solid whole. Without them our ability to freely choose who will lead us is greatly hindered. Without their willingness to respect the will of the republic when it votes, the people's ability to determine where we will go and how we will respond is compromised. Their willing and selfless service is the perpetual cause for our real liberty. They are the seal of the people's authority; of your authority.

5. With the above in mind, I would like to issue our deepest thanks to those who have and do serve as the Mortar or Men: Acacia Mason, SaraDroz, Citizen B, 1ronman, Fmr. PM Chucky Norris, and current PM Derek Harland. Now, I am sure-certain there are many, many more eCanadians who, like the aforementioned, have served eCanada and help make our republic a working model of success. With that in mind, I ask all eCanadians to comment with someone whom they know to be the Mortar of Men (or Women): someone whose service and self-sacrifice fills in the cracks of the system, and helps make our institutions work.

= = = = = =

II. Other Things

6. Hey AB, glad to see you back.

7. 'Sup Emerick, Gaius Julius, Jewitt et al. <3

8. To all of my former political opponents and those who may consider me an enemy, I make a sincere offer of reconciliation. I heartily and freely forgive any offenses against me, and I ask for your forgiveness in turn, though I understand if you aren't ready to give it yet.

= = = = = =

William Duncan,
Prince of the Apostles of Bromance,
Fmr. 2-term President of eCanada, and
Yours - truly.
