Your Health Board

Day 369, 13:59 Published in Ireland Ireland by Kiemar

A few citizens have expressed some confusion about who is in charge of the health plan for their region, so I've decided to re-publish the list of Regional Health Reps. You can contact these people or the respective regional city council (i.e. Limerick City Council for citizens of the Shannon) for the gifts you are entitled to under the Regional Healthcare Initiative & Employment Act.

Health Department Hea😛 sheepyhair

Cork and Kerry - princess pink
Dublin - irish_rebel
The Northeast - Igor Thunderbrow
The Northwest - sheepyhair
The Shannon - Kiemar
The Southeast - Quatermass

Any other questions concerning Health Department matters can be asked here, on the main Irish forums:

Make sure you are signed up on the forums, it is critical to involvement in how eIreland is run!

Regional Health Minister of the Shannon