You like beer?

Day 445, 22:48 Published in USA USA by Mr. Picklecopter

You like beer?
Well I got news for you, you support the monkey mafia.

Beer. Run by the Monkey Mafia.
That's right - every time you buy a beer you are sponsoring violent crimes against the common man. There have been multiple trials but no convictions. But come on! Everyone knows. The Monkey Mafia are pulling the strings. ALL the strings! How deeply is the government intertwined with them? Who knows, but I wouldn't shake my governor's hand, I'll tell you that much.

What's it going to take before someone stands up against these monsters? This organized monkey crime syndicate has lived the easy life for too long already.

Monkeys are responsible for over 96% of the crime in this country. Look it up. It's a fact.