You learn a lot in a month (a manifesto)

Day 672, 20:45 Published in Ireland USA by Octavius Dryst


while reading the article, to experience the full effect of it ha, I am such a nerd.

I come before you people of eIreland, though to be honest those in the Northeast in particular at the moment, to humbly ask for the opportunity to serve you for another month. From a real life spent as little more than a fast food dog I must say you all are the best boss I have ever had ha. I have grown attached to as well as enamored with this enation, and seek only to see her prosper and benefit through any circumstance.

During my first term in the Dail, I learned much. The mystery of forums, as this game was my first experience with the like, was quickly unraveled. The voracity of the IRC was quickly understood. The workings of government and ministries became much clearer. All of the initial complexity of this game in general, and more over the duties involved with being a congressman, has been slowly fading away for me.

I have yet to introduce any legislation, as I opted to spend my first term learning the methodology applied to constitutional law and what may be generally accepted by other congressmen, in order to prepare myself to deliver full and complete legislation on an issue I feel passionately for. I have formulated an idea for the ability of the Dail to pass resolutions in regard to social, political, or economic issues. These resolutions would of course not be binding, but would be a way for the Dail to condemn or praise an action openly to the non forum residing public in game. This will require the creation of a newspaper through a government run org that doesnt have one already. However I think the 2 gold would be very well spent.

My views on public policies are as follows

Keep the war games going, and disregard thought of any alliance in the near future, barring extreme circumstances (for example unprovoked invasion)

Keep up the work Edana Savage has started. Her record is impressive, something must be working. Also I really liked the article allowing us regular eIrish to get to know the RL side of some of our more prominent citizens.

I would support a minimum wage based on Q1 food. Many have disagreed with my stance on this, but I have calculated the numbers and know that it is reasonable to allow a citizen to subsist on Q1 food, especially when the 5 IEP citizen fee is accounted for, until they reach level 6. At which point they can afford a house, and can cruise by on Q1 food until they can afford better. The IEP gold ratio debate has many valid points on each side. I have yet to absolutely set my mind in one way or the other, but I am inclined to believe a moderately low exchange rate (what we have now) works fine. I cant think of a good transition to this, but a distribution of labor in state companies to ensure maximum productivity would be great, even if it means the creation of more state companies.

Foreign Affairs:
Keep active and open embassies throughout the eworld. Spread the eIrish message of fair democracy and active community to every corner of the globe.

If you had the patience to read this far I thank you. If you feel I would best represent you in the coming election I ask you to cast your vote in my favor. If you do not, please message me, and let me know what future it is that you see for eIreland, and how I may best accommodate that.

Octavius Dryst
IUP Congressman of the Northeast
Executive Assistant to the President
Director of Communications for the IUP

*Sorry I can't figure out how to get the link to work