You know your're Croatian when...

Day 822, 09:37 Published in Romania Serbia by crohunter

Hy Romania,Hy brothers.

Today I will show you how to identify the Croats.
Astăzi am să vă arăt cum să identificati croaţii. 😉

learn about croatia...


1.All meals your parents have ever prepared contain one key ingredient

2.You were still in elementary school the first time you got drunk

3.You insist that you can spot a Serb from a mile away

4.English words are acceptable if used with the ending "A-T-I" which makes
them Croatian..."play-ati", "study-ati"

5.Your grandfather has a shot of Rakija for breakfast

6.At least one family member makes his own wine

7."Sljivovica" is used not only to celebrate at all occasions, but to cure
illness and as a massage lotion as well

8."Kuhace" are not only used for stirring when cooking...they are also used by
mom to beat you when there is no "siba" handy

9.At least once before you've told your parents that you'll call the police to
report "child abuse" and your parents said "Samo probaj"

10.When leaving the house to go out, you always receive the same
warnings(regardless of age): -"Pazi sta radis", "Pamet u glavu", "Nemoj me
sramotit", "Nemoj da ja sta cujem"

11.Sadly, if something actually does happen, somehow Mom will know before you
make it home.

12.Mom gets pissed off at you for bringing home McDonalds saying, "sta ce ti
taj junk?"

13.You live with your parents until you are married

14.When upset, it isn't unusual for Dad to send you "u pi*du materinu"

15.Your parents turn the channel when there is a kissing scene

16.Your parents still prefer buying cassete's over cd's

17.Your 13 yr old sister can drink more alcohol then any American

18.You are only allowed to vacation in the homeland

19.You are only allowed to speak Croatian at home

20.A CROATIAN wedding consists of a minimum of 1000 people, 2/3 of which you
dont even know

