You Did it to Yourselves

Day 553, 16:08 Published in Germany United Arab Emirates by Mark Wahlberg

eGermans: You might be expecting this to come from a Pole or Swede, but you would be mistaken. I am going to deliver you a message myself, expressing a few opinions on our current... situation.

In the end, I am frustrated to say that all of this - the war with Sweden, the political takeover, the aggression from PEACE - it is all the fault of Germany. I am incredibly disappointed in all of you, Germans. You took what we had for granted. What does that do for us now? Look around you.

My first "thank-you" goes out to the idiotic citizens of Germany who helped put us where we are now. I love how every time someone doesn't make it into Congress here they all start to scream and shout "what is our government doing!?" You, the dumb, average voters and the "future" of Germany landed us here. Granted, I am more frustrated with those who fell silent and became inactive, but unfortunately I can not have a word with them.

My second "thank-you" goes out to the politicians of Germany. Almost all of you. I'd love to put you out individually, but I am not that kind of person. You know who you are: the people who were so self-centered and focused on getting themselves into Congress with promises of "change in our beloved state," promises that inevitably fell through as you discovered yourselves discussing the same damn things every term - the same damn things that put us here. Moments away from total annihilation by the Swedish.

None of you were true. No, instead you floated from party to party, not actually defining yourself as a politician, being so vague that when the voters of Germany finally had their chance to elect you, they voted by party or by popularity. Or, even more disappointing, they just voted. Voted for those without presentations, without anything close to being recognizable. It is the inactive politicians of Germany who put us here. We have a forum. About half of our Congressmen actually have any input, according to who all posts.

Lastly, I would like to send a "thank-you" to our administrations. I know you all had good intentions, and DKN did a great job putting Germany on its feet, but I must say everything past that, (two whole presidents,) really did send Germany to its doom. The Union was fine - it was joining ATLANTIS that should have been thought through. There really was a lot more we could have done. And so much for political transparency. Not a single administration accomplished that, despite every one claiming to strive for it.

Although, after all this, I do put some of the blame on myself. I blame myself for not trying as hard as I possibly could to send Germany in the right direction. I blame myself for not attempting to candidate for president, and run this country the way it should have been: with a real cabinet that was competent and knew how to make logical decisions. Not always for Germany's integrity, but for Germany itself.

My final note: no matter how disappointed I can be in you, the eGermans, I could never be more disappointed than I am with the Swedish and the Polish. The Swedes, because their stupid bloodthirst has successfully wiped another country off the face of the eWorld. They claim stupid reasons, but it was their doing that caused the dissolution of ATLANTIS. One day I hope to oversee the downfall of the Swedish, no matter which country causes it. I would also like to see the downfall of the Swedish puppets, also known as the Poles. Congratulations, Polish sheep. For it was your fear of the big bad Swedes that helped destroy another sovereign entity.

I wish I could make everyone read this, but the fact of the matter is that the majority of eGermans have an attention span so small they couldn't get through it all. Better luck next time, eGermany. Don't worry, I will be here to the end, and when a movement comes to liberate Germany, you can expect to see me back here.

Mark Wahlberg
Former Congressman and leading political figure of Germany

P.S. Burn all the recipes for our beer as one last insult to the Swedish