You cannot teach an old dog new tricks

Day 738, 05:50 Published in USA USA by Necrosis
Try and play the role and the whole crew will act up
Get up, stand up, come on!
Come on, throw your hands up
If you've got the feeling jump across the ceiling

Jump Around – House of Pain

First things first; read your countries orders newspaper before fighting anywhere. This is important; don’t waste fights in obvious distraction battles and/or useless fronts. Also, there are boobs at the bottom.

Once more there has been a massive assault made by ex-PEACE nations against EDEN/Broliance interests in the world at large. There has been a massive number of attacks over a 36 hour period; I’ll try and explain each one

The UK
2 days ago, the UK, after failing to secure their Eastern border by removing a border with Sweden by returning a region to Danish control, attacked Maine. Naturally, they were repelled by a massive wall; nothing else was to be expected. The UK isn’t a military power, and they were against 17 countries in addition to the USA. The attacked Rhode Island seconds before this loss, in order to keep the initiative in this war, and prevent a possible retaliatory attack against their home soil. Currently there is a constant blocking and damage draining operation in effect by the UK, attacking Maine and Rhode Island on a regular schedule at the moment.

Now, with this attack, the UK opened a war with Belgium. Belgium is a country controlled by Romanians, after RWing it back to existence from their peaceful merger with the UNL 2 months ago. With the failure of the PEACE TO operation in the region, it became what is essentially a puppet state. (please note that basically whomever controlled it, it would have been a puppet state)

Naturally, the UK attacked Belgium, with a lot of help from PEACE mobile troops. They attacked 10 minutes after the day change yesterday, keeping the wall at a fairly low level for much of the day, with the help of large numbers of mobile troops sent by countries allied with them; Serbs, Russians, Hungarians, amongst others were in attendance.

At the day change, the wall was at approximately 150,000 – with a fair amount of tanking and weapons used on the British side, this was brought down to 60k at the end of the battle, but with evidently very few people in attendance (remember it was 8AM UK time), there wasn’t enough power behind the push, and the attack did not succeed.

This is but one conflict within the global theatre. I’ll try and keep it in some semblance of chronological order, however with the battle timings as they are, this will be hard.

Indonesia and Malaysia
Indonesia’s constant attacks on Malaysia have been something of a training war for many; they take on a more threatening tone given current events, however. At the time of writing, Indonesia have 2 of the three regions in the war in the underground; not by a very large margin, however the margin is there, and unlike previous times where walls of 2-3 million were not unexpected, it is to be expected that these will be quite close battles.

The main region of Indonesia’s want is Sarawak; much like the real world state, there is a lot of wood. With the return of WSR over a month ago, Indonesia has been without a source of high wood; in Sarawak they see a new source. However, this is also the region with a wall in the secure zone; by a not inconsiderable margin. It is also not unthinkable that Indonesia’s mobile troops are in the Croatian front instead of fighting for this.

Alongside these attacks, allied forces started resistance wars in two Indonesian regions; Xinjiang, and Northern Cape. These two may be closely faught in the last minutes, but I expect that much of the potential damage here will be used in defending Croatia; I may be wrong, and 2-3 tanks will be enough to free these regions, which would be a boost for the countries they are returned to; as well as Xinjiang being Indonesia’s potential route into Europe.

Indonesia most likely wont be able to hold these regions for long; with the number of MPPs activated against them, reclaiming them should be reasonably simple.

Recently, Argentina began to gobble up Peru, under the guise of eliminating a PTO that had set in many months ago, perpetrated by Polish paramilitary groups. These groups would steal the tax income of the country; this country having a higher than normal tax income due to being blessed (and cursed, it would seem), with a high iron resource. Argentina managed to take 3 regions, including the high iron one, with relative ease, before Poland signed an MPP with Peru, effectively halting progress. A few days ago, Brazil declared war, attacking with the attacks today, taking advantage of Poland’s attention being focused on defending Croatia.

The war page at the time of writing shows all battles in the underground; I do not expect this to change, but I do expect to see a large number of resistance wars in the regions in the coming days and weeks

For the next few sections I may reference a previous article; the article in question can be found here

As before, Latvia have region swapped up through Estonia, in order to gain a border with Finland, and thusly attack them. This is simply a damage distraction; might as well take a few easy regions for a few days while the other guy is distracted, right? Just like last time this was done, I fully expect Finland to be restored to full within the week; their MPPs will blow Latvia out the water once they have the initiative again.

They have also been attacked by Russia; the regions under attack are fairly useless, but they are all Russia can attack without making the same mistake they made last time and opening themselves up for a blocking maneuver, by attacking a region that borders Sweden. Like before, expect to see these regions back in the hands of Finland fairly soon.

With exactly the same attacks made as explained in a previous article (link above), Croatia is under severe threat.

The three pronged attack came at a very different time to last time; if my time zone guesses are not completely incorrect (they may well be), the battles finish at about 7:30AM Saturday morning for all four of the countries directly involved.

Currently, the Hungarian attack on North West Croatia is very deeply into the underground; many of the Croatian MPPs had already used up their fights in the UK’s attack on the USA before the day change, and combined with the absurd time the battles were started, many of the European allies on the MPP list would have been asleep/going to work, and other such things.

The Serbian attack is between the two secure lines currently; this is the focus of defensive efforts by allied countries. The reason Slavonia is the focus of defensive efforts is really rather simple. The region houses around half of Croatia’s companies; the loss of all these companies would be disastrous for the Croatian economy. Many of these companies are land companies; Slavonia is the only high resource region in Croatia. While it is only high grain, many countries base a large part of their economy of having such a resource. North West Croatia only has less than a third of the companies, and no raw materials, and therefore the loss of this region would be slightly less damaging.

The Slovenian attack, just as before, is simply a damage draining measure; currently it is looking to be largely ineffective at serving that purpose.

As things stand, I’m not going to call the results of any of the battles involving Croatia. There are too many variables, too many troops movements out of the public eye that I cannot say either way. Given the situation, a region or two may be lost; however I do not think that this would be a long term state of affairs. The amount of MPPs arrayed against Hungary and Serbia are just to numerous; at worst it turns into a war of attrition, which the Croats and allies will most likely profit from, due to superior numbers.

Other attacks should be expected; resistance wars in enemy countries will also likely be started; a favourite tactic employed is to start a resistance war in Hellokitty; Hungary’s only high iron region, which often causes them to waste a fair amount of damage there. With the costs involved though, it is not as easy a decision as might be expected; this is the case with many potential diversionary tactics.

Apologies for the wall of text nature of this; I did try to keep it to a minimum, honest. I couldn't even find any appropriate funny pictures for it all. Instead, there are boobs below. Same with any grammatical/spelling errors; insomnia is not great.
