You Are The Front!

Day 722, 20:19 Published in Austria Japan by Alfred Ball

Walking through the streets of eAustria today I became increasingly agitated that many once domestically owned companies in eAustria are now owned by outside corporations who do not bleed red and white like we do for this country. They put the lower level out of work and only hire the higher level laborers. It seems as though that National Front Austria is the only one who seems to care about this problem that plagues our country today, as N.F.A. are the only ones who care enough speak out against this and try to provide you the people of eAustria the necessities you need to live. We trying very hard to mend this, today we have taken a huge leap forward today by opening a separate organization just for you. The people at National Front Austria understand stand what it is like to be a laborer and having to provide for yourself and a family, we understand the burden it is to not have a stable job that will always have what you need to work. We will not fire you because you are not as skilled as they outside corporations want you to be. Eventually we will have a graduation organization for the next set of quality levels where you will be paid more.

N.F.A. Work Force now has the following companies available for you to enroll in and work:

N.F.A. Brain Bread
N.F.A. Housing
N.F.A. Grain
N.F.A. Defense : This Company is for higher levels because it is a Q5 company. If you are interested in jobs here contact me.
N.F.A. Handguns

In other news it appears as though National Front Austria is being attacked because we care for the people of eAustria. They will lie to you and tell you we are not for freedom however is this really the case? On the contrary we believe very much in freedom, we want people to be happy, and not only that we want the people of eAustria to feel and KNOW that the government is looking out for them and behind them 110% of the way to what they wish to do. They say we are the enemies, but is wanting to help provide a stable environment for the wonderful citizens of eAustria really a threat to freedom? I will let you the people be the judge of this.

Alfred Ball

Side Note: If you have any question about this article please drop me a message in my mailbox here.

You Austrians Are The Front!