You're Cordially Invited...

Day 1,119, 11:31 Published in USA USA by The Libertarian Bulletin

Afternoon of the 13th of December. Libertarian Bulletin Head Quarters.

HQ no longer exists, in the true sense of the word.
All that remains of the Bulletin is an automated publishing system.
A trusty server tucked away in an abandoned attic. Powered by the brain waves of one we call s0beit.

>>Transmission Received
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>>Publishing Transmission

Our fortifications are complete. The rebels have developed into fully trained soldiers.

We are not afraid or anything. We are preparing to re-emerge. We are the future.


In that vein, we are cordially inviting all those who miss the eUSforum to come join us at our new Lib spot. Anyone can register and view most boards. Mayhem is not only welcome, but encouraged. We've even given PieGuy his own sub-board. It is the only place he is allowed to view and post.

You're welcome, America.

In all seriousness, we've been getting about 200 posts a day after being up for only 4 days, and the community is good. Thanks to s0beit, we have integrated API for citizen information in a very cool way. We use SMF, so the set up should be familiar to everyone that is used to the eUSforums.

We have no idea when the eUSforums will be up. Everyone has been saying "tomorrow" each day for the last week. This isn't meant to replace them. These are our party forums. But we're welcoming you to use them for regular (ie non-private) eRep discussion for the time being. If people feel like it is an adequate space, we could even set up some temp Congress boards/membergroups to get that ball rolling again. No matter what party you are a member of (or if you are a member of no party, or if you are living in another country), feel free to come hang around.

Except if you're a Fed.

~ C

>>Publication Complete
>>Re-Entering Sleep Mode
>>But really, no Federalists allowed