Yay, Ireland's ours again...but what about Canada? Fail!

Day 1,344, 03:57 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Citizen 4945322

Am I the only one that thinks our attempts at taking more places is a Fail. An Epic Fail! We went into Canada, managed to wipe it, then those pesky Irish came back. We went and fought Ireland (and are on the course to wiping it, with only Cork left), and then those pesky Canadians came back. Now, we have no Canada, and we are missing Cork. Once we regain it, we're back where we started. No overseas territories, apart from Ireland.

Mua Mua Mua Muaaaa!

This seems to be the biggest fail since USA's attempts to find Iraqi WMD. Or USA's attempts to conquer Vietnam. Or USA's terrible attempts in the War on obesity. Yes, we really have failed. Epically. Maybe we should just wait and attack somewhere less strong. Or just make a better attempt at Canada. I say we should make another attempt at conquering Canada, whilst appointing someone to monitor the population of Ireland, and what they are doing. We should also increase our armed forces, which means increasing our population.

The situation in America got so bad they had to introduce Fat Lanes in Traffic to relieve Congestion and Indigestion.

On another note, the demise of China continues, with only three provinces remaining. The Eastern seaboard of Shanghai, Zhejiang and Jiangsu are still intact, although the tag team of Poland, Serbia and Hungary look set to wipe China off the map in the future. Meanwhile, it looks like Serbia is returning to its old playground, USA. Woop Woop!

(From Left: Serbia, Poland & Hungary)


Everybody, prepare to fight the Canadians. Again. And maybe we should appoint an Ireland watcher. Eye-Spy-Eyerland.