XI: Economic Analysis of America

Day 1,562, 13:56 Published in USA USA by Alexander Roderick IV

Day 1,562
XI: Economic Analysis of America
February 29, 2012
Eagle Republik News

Economic Analysis of America
Everyone is selling while no one is buying... Obviously you can see that without the bot regulating the eUS market all of our weapons and food prices have gone down the drain and it will continue unless either the bot comes back or we just get used to these shitty prices. For people that have a lot of weapons in stock I'd advise you to either sell them now or wait till the market comes back if it ever does. The trend now shows that the market will continue going down as long as supply is high (which it is) and demand is low. So eAmerica brace yourselves for the next few days!

Day 1551................ Today Day 1562
Q1 0.41 | ....................... 0.22
Q2 0.75 | ....................... 0.35
Q3 1.09 | ....................... 0.57
Q4 1.57 | ....................... 0.95
Q5 1.93 | ....................... 1.20
Q6 2.48 | ....................... 2.22

Raw: 0.19 USD ............ 0.10

Price |
Q1 3.90 | ....................... 2.39
Q2 7.97 | ....................... 4.95
Q3 11.83| ....................... 7.00
Q4 14.97| ....................... 10.74
Q5 18.89| ....................... 12.59
Q6 23.85| ....................... 20.00

Raw: 0.20 USD ...............0.13

US😨 157 .........................130

The impact this has on you
You can expect the salary to continue to drop for the next few days since most Q3 to Q5 companies are firing all of their workers since the price of those weapons and foods are at an all time low and continue to descend in value. If you are not a commune worker or if you do not work for a Q6 company, you can expect to be fired in the next few days since their is basically no profit in keeping workers to make Q5 or lower weapons and food.

Also if you are saving a lot of money now is the time to buy weapons and food to sell them for A HUGE profit later on...

Anyway, that is my Economic Analysis of what is going on in America currently.

Girl of The Day

Join Eagle Republik next time for something special!

Till next time... Stay Awesome eAmerica!

Recommended Reading
| The Economic News| B.M. Entertainment| Pony Express Daily| WHPR Press Room| 16 Shells|
|Sentimental Journal|

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