WYSIWYG - CertaCito Running for Congress - in Northern Ireland!

Day 791, 21:21 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by certacito
My original manifesto read as follows:

In these unstable and exciting times we have seen a huge increase in the population of London, both with the move of substantial components of the population and of foreign refugees into 'Fortress London'.

As a result, the number of candidates running for places under the UKRP banner in London is at an all time record level - and many of these are unknown within eUK political circles.

In order to present UKRP voters with a 'known' candidate whose loyalty, morals and stamina are without question, I have decided to stand in London this term rather than my home Province of Northern Ireland.

The timing for this move is good; the party in Northern Ireland is strong and we have strong candidates standing who should do well enough without my presence there. It is only fair to let a couple other members of the UKRP Party faithful in the Province have a chance at standing for election.

What I had not expected was the huge wave of popular support from members of the UKRP and citizens of Northern Ireland, who have requested that I do not desert the Province for the bright lights of Fortress London. As a result I have (as ever) decided to follow the will of the electorate and return home to stand in NI.

I was missing my wee cup of tea with scones, soda bread with Aunt Beattie's Strawberry Jam anyway....

Back to original wording:

On the policy front - I will continue to fully support DishMCDS in his inspired leadership of eUK; in my time in Erepublik I am sure that there has not been a better leader to navigate the eUK through time of War - he has the experience and eloquence to lead rather than to direct as many others have attempted.

On the economic front, I am becoming increasingly uncomfortable wth the extremely high levels of tax that we are levying upon the population - whilst this, combined with a rise in our population (mainly due to the arrival of refugees from allied invaded countries) has done much to increase our financia reserves, yet I believe that in the medium to long term the extremely high taxation will have a detrimental effect on our industries. I 'de-mothballed' a spare factory last week in order to meet the increased demand for raw materials and jobs - yet already half of my shiny new workforce (mainly French and German) have packed and gone off to other Allied countries where taxes are lower and wages are higher. I would therefore support a gradual easing of the levels of tax in order that our manufacturing industries can flourish and grow,

Should I be successful in this election I shall be embarking on my 24th consecutive term of office. Maintaining a Parliamentary presence for such a long period has not been easy at times - two weeks sailing holiday in the Med presented a particularly major communications challenge - yet I believe that I have managed to carry out my duties in a dilligent, timely and responsible manner for the benefit of eUK and it's citizens.

On the 25th, if you wish to place your trust (and vote) to a reliable and diligent career politician with Level 22, Field Marshal status and a long track record - then Vote CertaCito!