Wyniki badania - Polska niezdecydowana [Results of the survey]

Day 1,217, 06:09 Published in Poland Germany by The German Eagle

Dear readers,

first of all I want to thank all the ones, who answered my questions. DZIĘKUJĘ!
Especially for my friends from WP - Thanks for the translation of the polish answers!
If there are still mistakes, its my fault (or of google translate😁).
Secondly I want to say, that the results for sure are not representative for whole ePoland - just 111 people answered... But its not that bad I guess.

I have deleted the answers from 7 Germans, 6 Trolls, 7 Anonymus (I dont want to send u flame-pms if you dont like germany, I just want to prevent multiple votes...)

And in the meantime admins changed the game again. Anyway.

Here are the results of my little survey:

Other reasons to DONT like RL-Germany
- Nazi-Germany is … should be liquidated.
- Hitler didn't chosen himself
- That's me - i don't like russians either🙂
- for life
- unacceptable lifestyle (vulgarity, sense of humor, time spending, etc.)
- German language is so... I cant find a word to express that... bad ? Evil xd ?
- Germany is not enough that they killed millions of people during World War II is now even want recover the the lands granted to us after the war .
- Bismarck
- It's not that I do not like the Germans or German state. Germany controls Europe together with France, thereby impose on us their, in my opinion, Poland should go to its free-market path, not the socialist traced the western borders.
- In general they are stupid and have ugly wifes
- They are our RL NE ;p
- World War, the history of clashes partitions ... meidy these states long enough ejst
- Germany is not enough that they are arrogant, it's still hypocrisy. It is also said to you, mainly because of WWII

Other reasons to like RL-Germany
- nice country
- I do not have nothing against any nation. People are people, everywhere u can finde some good people and some wankers.
- I'm of german descent, but actually it doesn't really matter here. Germany for me is a kind of Roman Empire successor. If Germany falls, so will rest of civilised, white Europe.
- I'm living in the dormitory in Warsow so I've met few German guys, all of them were really ok.
- i dont like jews either
- Germans have just much greater country than Poland
- solid mark of car
- because they're humans, just as me 😛
- Why not? Because of the past? That was long ago and now the situation is totally different.
- My ex live there 🙂
- Beer
- I don`t see the reason why I shouldn`t like RL Germans. Because of II WW? Don`t be silly. If we wanna meen somethink more we have to stick together.
- The best tank and cars in the world!!
- German music
- Katja Seizinger, Martina Ertl, Sven Fischer, Frank Luck and all the others winter sport athletes.
- I met few kind Germans, when I was there, not real friendship, but just kind, friendly people (which I didn't met so many in France or UK).
- In my opinion, every nation deserve respect. History is history, but today we have united Europe and there is no point to hate each other.

Other reasons to DONT like e-Germany
- the appeal of our country at the beginning of the game. Like no other country could do it, just happened to Germany ...
- History/Historia in erepublik
- they first destroyed our country
- Simply as that - Germans are boring
- eGermans are debile
- I dont like you
- for the past hold until this day
- Since the beginning erep PL-Ger relations are poor, starting from the moment when we conquered, then share PTO, German cassation in December 2009, there are many things that has always stood on the opposite side of the barricade.
- erika steinbach
- Your Honor shown at the beginning of ePoland. Besides: 1) the good of them as punching bags 2) to execute the mission "True Patriot" we need them as natural enemy.

Other reasons to like e-Germany
- they seem to be friendly
- there is no particular reason, I'm just extremly bored of our wars
- I like to beat them
- good 'behavior in the creation of the NWO
- I do not know
- e-Germans have done nothing to dislike them. No betrayals, no backstabing.

Other reasons why the relations between ePoland and eGermany have the chance to become better
- Germany is too far from PANAM and Poland need safe regions, war isn't usefull for any of us.
- it's nice to have a puppy
- there's no point to be serious war between us in the future, probably ever
- mutual benefits and interests: safe border, free "passage" to west and east
- we have to co-exist. There is no other chance how we can live our neighbourhood.
- I just hope that people are bored of those endless wars between our countries, and we could do something new, an alliance 🙂
- ePoland likes to create new things lately. New Alliance can be one of them.
- German-Polish war is boring
- Yes there is a chance. If Germany will be more strong in the game. For the moment they can not offer too much - everything we want, we can take for ourselves. Alliance is just possible, if we dont count on history, like the Slovaks not count due to the history of Lithuania.
- Each day ther is more ppl who are thinking about mpp
- Because being in war is stupid
- stop nonsense wars, we can make business together
- NWO, cooperation, mpp
- NWO is on, new friends are needed.

Other reasons why the relations between ePoland and eGermany have NO chance to become better
- majority of polish players are kids, who wanna show-off in stiupid game something, what they can not even image IRL.
- nobody likes the Germans, they are without peers.
- Germans are too weak to be our ally, (for RL)-I know too well what happens during the battle with Russia, not to have illusions that a lot of players headed to the history of the RL.

Some other interesting results are:
Averaged the participants were 468 days old.
The youngest was born on day 1197, the oldest on day 135.
