WTF nation!?

Day 901, 14:25 Published in Colombia New Zealand by krzych32

Nation WTF?! I fell like I'm living in a crezy town, both sides of the conflict want to have full controll over what is going on, but no one wants to make any compromises. Lets start with Vasco, again, I will tell you the same thing you heard from me yesterday, not cool man, not cool. On one side you want to be a president, on the other, you pull something like that on your fellow coutryman. Being a president doesn't mean doing something just to prove that you CAN, because you and me both know exacly what you can do. What you are doing is just sticking your finger up and saying "F*** you" to the congress and the opposition.

Now the other side of the story, why doesn't Vasco have full access to forum?! He told me that he can't post in the congressional part of the forum, and that all of the orgs were not given to him. Even if you don't agree with him, you have to agree that he was elected to be a president fairly, and you should have not limited his abolities, what have just happened recently should also be blamed on those who want to limit Vasco's power, you play with fire, you get burned. You may think that you will be so smart, doing what you want under the excuse of fighting a dictatorship and refuse to work with him. Well, you screw him, he will screw you right back. This is EXACTLY what you refuse to work together.

And one more thing, to the people that constantly are attacking me for some reason. What the hell is your problem? This is just a game, just because I'm polish in RL doesn't mean I can't be a colombian in a stupid game, its just a one big role-playing game. And maybe I don't speak spanish, but I have been a congressman for 4 months (something like that) and even a party president, I have worked with people that don't speak english many times and that is really now that big of a problem in the 21st century. If you keep calling me a spy, then you clearly don't know eColombian history, I didn't got all of that trust over night. And please bring in some real evidence if you want to continue this discussion.

Let's end this, and find some common ground, and then I can steal all of your gold.........